Just my thoughts
by Aditya Hingne

What and How

Most of us have some idea of what we want to be in life. This includes our occupations, and what kind of people we desire to be. Someone who has grown up being the star child would probably want to be a leader of others. Someone who loves to learn new facts, and explores new talents may want to be at a place where he is open to express new discoveries.

Whatever place we desire to end up, we view it as a form of paradise or the ultimate success story. The leader can lead his team to great success, but if his team members turn on him, he will lose his own life force. The man who always desires to explore may receive short term success but could fall in a situation where he realizes there is no practical way of maintaining his garden of freedom.

While these are dramatic examples, they are not necessarily false. What these people did wrong is that they merely identified where their version of paradise exists. Success is not achieved when we realize where it exists, but when we realize what it means to us, and how do we get there.

The "Treachery of Images" by Magritte is a painting of a pipe. Though the artist himself wrote in the painting it is not a pipe. The piece is not trying to provoke doubt from the audience, but elicit different pathways of thought. Two people may look at The Treachery of Images and conclude that it's simply a painting of a pipe. How they interpret the piece and how they arrive at that interpretation will be different.

It is almost an impossibility for any two individuals to think alike. If two kids grow up liking sports, only one of them may become an athlete. That does not mean the other child cannot be in the same field. That other child could grow up to specialize in sports medicine. They both started with the same interests but took the path that would make them happy.

It is a reasonable statement to say that the path you take will be influenced by what you define as success. Hosseini's The Kite Runner is known for giving us a simple, yet epic tale about a boy from Afghanistan. The novel also succeeds in allowing the reader to appreciate those around them.

The once affluent main character, Amir, thought that his life was always going to relatively facile. Even when he moved to the United States, Amir was happy on the surface because he knew where he was going to end up, but he didn't know how he would end up. The debris from the guilt that Amir caught from his time in Afghanistan, struck the readers as well.

The ending of the narrative was fulling because the whole time its goal was to bring happiness to the main character's family. The narrative proved that the definition of success changed as one realizes what he really wants.

When most people watch the original Star Wars film, they felt a connection with the character Han Solo. This is because, in the beginning, Han Solo's signature quality resonates with many people's own experiences. Han is not a "chosen one". He knows where he will end up and has accepted this fact. He character arc is powerful because he learns what helping the Resistance means, and how he can help.

Likewise, we are given a multitude of opportunities to prevent falling into the same pit of desolation that Han Solo was in before meeting Skywalker. It is our responsibility to snatch these opportunities with our very jaws if we need to.

Utilizing these teachings, we can bring greater enlightenment to ourselves and help those around us. Recognizing what success means for us, and how we can reach there, can make our society stronger as well.

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